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Seize the day, my friend

I started maintaining a Duolingo streak since the last three weeks, and this led me to have an epiphany about how small progress really adds up even in a short span of three weeks. Never have I before felt this so vividly.

I have always let my wild curiosity guide me, and I move fairly quickly in an unorganized fashion, and which is why, this epiphany until now had always eluded me. Thankfully, the patterns have never eluded me. In fact, I would say, this wild way of learning has only aided the pattern recognition process.

I am just bowled over now by thinking about the possibilities of how much learning can be achieved in 1–2–5 years if one just stays there by committing to making micro progress everyday.

I was initially fixated at learning one language well, but then thought that if I could master this in the next 1–2 years (which seemed like an easy timeline), then I could go on and add even few more languages and skills which until now seemed out of reach. Yes, that’s the power of every day. Latin, which I have looked at before because of my love for words, but never from this ‘everyday’ lens, now suddenly looks possible.

A whole world of possibility has opened up ever since this epiphany happened. There’s just so much learning I am looking forward to. How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.


These are my rough notes, and an attempt to share my take at life and everything that makes it up. Privileged to have people around me who push me to question the world, and the systems that make it up.

Published Jul 12, 2021

Global tech investor. Spelunking to find ideas with legs.